Elcometer 122 Testex Replica Tape

Product Description

The proper and effective preparation of a surface prior to coating is essential. Making sure that the correct roughness – or profile – has been generated is essential. If the profile is too low, the adhesion of the coating to the surface will be reduced. Too high and there is the danger that the profile peaks will remain uncoated – allowing rust spots to occur.

The Elcometer 122 Testex® Replica Tape is designed to provide a permanent mould of the surface profile, which can then be measured using a thickness gauge.

Elcometer 122 Testex® Tape consists of foam with a non-compressible backing. The foam side is rubbed into the surface providing a permanent mould of the peak-to-valley profile. The profile of the surface can then be measured using the Elcometer 124 Thickness Gauge.

Elcometer 122 Testex® Replica Tape is available in four profile ranges. It is important that the tape grade chosen is reflective of the profile being measured.

• For surface profiles between 12 & 25µm: Coarse Minus Tape
• For surface profiles between 20 & 38µm: Coarse Tape
• For surface profiles between 38 & 64µm: Average of Coarse and X-Coarse Tape
• For surface profiles between 64 & 115µm: X-Coarse Tape
• For surface profiles greater than 115µm: X-Coarse Plus Tape

There are 50 tests in each Replica Tape roll.

Elcometer 122 Testex® Replica Tape can be used in accordance with:

ASTM D 4417-C
• BS 7079-C5*
ISO 8503-5
US Navy NSI 009-32
US Navy PPI 63101-000

* Standards not in bold have been superseded but are still recognised in some industries.


DescriptionProfile RangePart Number
  1 RollPack of 10Pack of 50Pack of 100
Elcometer 122 Coarse Minus12 – 25μmE122—-A1E122—-A10E122—-A50E122—-A100
Elcometer 122 Coarse20 – 64μmE122—-B1E122—-B10E122—-B50E122—-B100
Elcometer 122 X-Coarse38 – 115μmE122—-C1E122—-C10E122—-C50E122—-C100
Elcometer 122 X-Coarse Plus115 – 127μmE122—-F1E122—-F10E122—-F50E122—-F100

Elcometer 122 Testex Replica Tape – Accuracy Statement

ProfileError (Coarse)Error (X-Coarse)
258not applicable
50not applicable18
75not applicable27
100not applicable37

Packing List

  • Elcometer 122 Elcometer 122 Testex® Replica Tape

Data Sheet


Elcometer 122 Testex® Replica Tape can be used in accordance with:

ASTM D 4417-C
• BS 7079-C5*
ISO 8503-5
US Navy NSI 009-32
US Navy PPI 63101-000

* Standards not in bold have been superseded but are still recognised in some industries.


T12222498Swizzle Sticks (Pack of 5)

Instruction Manual


One of the most popular methods of measuring surface profile using a replica tape, or press-o-film, such as the Elcometer 122 Testex® Tape, together with a micrometer thickness gauge, such as the Elcometer 124 thickness gauge.

The Elcometer 122 Testex® Tape consists of a foam pad attached to a non-compressible 50μm mylar backing strip and provides a very easy method of measuring surface profile. The Elcometer 122 tape is particularly useful when measuring surface profile of curved or hard to reach areas.

Simply place the tape with the foam pad onto the surface and rub the backing with a burnishing tool (swizzle stick) until it turns uniformly grey.

Once a replica of the profile is taken, use the Elcometer 124 Thickness Gauge to measure the peak-to-valley height of the surface profile. Using the Elcometer 124 Thickness Gauge is incredibly easy.

Using the value displayed by the Elcometer 124, subtract the original thickness of the non-compressible mylar backing (50μm) to get the surface profile measurement. To get the most accurate reading, zero the Elcometer 124 Thickness Gauge to offset the original tape window thickness.

The Elcometer 124 Thickness Gauge is available as either a metric or imperial model; and used in conjunction with the Elcometer 122 Testex® Tape, provides an ideal method for measuring surface profile in compliance with International Standards. And if a permanent record of the surface profile is required, you can store the replica tape in your manual report as a proof of test.