Elcometer 143 Crack Width Ruler

Product Description

The Elcometer 143 Crack Width Ruler is similar in size to a standard credit card, this transparent gauge is marked with a range of graded lines. This simple gauge has been designed to provide inspectors with a low cost alternative to a graduated microscope for determining the width of a crack in concrete or other building materials. Each line is a specified width.

To use, position the gauge over the crack and identify which line is a similar width to the crack. Read off the width value.

The Elcometer 143 is probably the most popular method of quickly determining the crack width due to its pocket size and competitive pricing. Users of the ruler vary widely from the less sophisticated user who just wants a quick and easy indication to the more sophisticated user who wants a more accurate result.


ModelDescriptionRangePart Number
Elcometer 143Elcometer 143 Crack Width Ruler0.10 – 2.50mmE143—-1

Data Sheet